Xrm.Page.context.getQueryStringParameters is now deprecated. The custom parameter values are now accessible via formContext.getAttribute('param_mycustomparam').getValue().
For example:
You have a custom parameter named param_custom1 as per below:
In your script file, you would then retrieve the value by calling
var myParamValue = formContext.getAttribute('param_custom1').getValue();
For a more complete code accessing the value from Form OnLoad event, see below.
var namespace = namespace || {};
namespace.Account = namespace.Account || {};
namespace.Account.Form = (function (){
var onFormLoad = function (exContext) {
var formType = exContext.getFormContext();
var myParamValue = formContext.getAttribute('param_custom1').getValue();
//just a quick way to display the value, for proper alert dialog please use Xrm.Navigation.openAlertDialog
alert('my param value: ' + myParamValue);
return {
onFormLoad: onFormLoad,
That's all about this post.